Traditional Issue Focus Transformation

What is the Traditional Issue Focus Transformation (TIFT)?

TIFT is our full-service, comprehensive process for helping United Ways choose their issue, set their bold goal, and develop a three-year strategic plan for adopting an issue focus.

Our TIFT process begins with stakeholder research. Asking the right questions and involving all of your stakeholders – donors, community, campaigns, board, staff, and partner agencies – is the recipe for collecting the information essential to successfully transform your United Way to an issue focus.

Once you understand what your stakeholders value and are willing to support, we will help your board and staff select your issue, determine your bold goal, and identify internal measures of success.

Finally, we will help you create a strategic plan that will transform your United Way from where you are today to where you want to be three years from now. This involves carefully examining the different types of impact/investment, resource development, and marketing/engagement strategies used by successful issue focused United Ways. Then, we will help you select and plan your impact/investment, resource development, and marketing/engagement strategies that will transform your United Way, and how you will stop doing outdated activities that are no longer effective. Typically, TIFT takes six to nine months to complete.

Our Traditional Issue Focus Transformation services are for United Ways that have decided to become issue focused but have not yet identified their issue and bold goal and need to transform their resource development, impact/investment, and marketing/engagement work. If your United Way is already several years into your journey toward adopting an issue focus, then you will want to look at our Strategic Planning services.

Next Steps

Your future as a relevant, sustainable, and impactful United Way will be realized when you adopt an issue focus.

Contact us for more information about our Traditional Issue Focus Transformation process.

Here’s what our clients have to say about working with us: